Kudzu promotes the fight against addiction.
Kudzu promotes the fight against addiction.
1/2 teaspoon for a cup of water to infuse in the evening.
1/2 teaspoon for a cup of water to infuse at night.Formula:
LV% tea Rubrum, Kudzu X%, V% petala florum vanilla condimentum V%, V% Sarsaparilla, piper V%, V% Pompon miles capulus viridi Ave V% V%.Ingredients:
Red tea 55%, Kudzu 10%, Vanilla flavoring 5%, Flower petals 5%, Pepper 5%, flowers 5%, Sarsaparilla 5%, Pepper 5%, Pompom 5%, Green coffee 5%, Broken 5%. soldier 5%.Ingredients:
Red tea 55%, Kudzu 10%, Vanilla flavor 5%, Flower petals 5%, Sarsaparilla 5%, Pepper 5%, Pompon soldier 5%, Coffee green 5%, Broken 5%.