Hawthorn improves sleep disorders.
Hawthorn improves sleep disorders
Half a teaspoon in a cup every night.
Half a teaspoon in a cup every nightFormula :
Hawthorn XV%, Lemon Balm X%, Poppy X%, Anthemis X%, Verbena X%, inter Aureum colorem & Bergamot cortice X%, rosa petalis V%, Hibiscus V%, Apple V%, Rosehip V%, RUBUS IDAEUS V %, Classic V%,% V c MistletoeIngredients:
Hawthorn 15%, Lemon balm 10%, Poppy 10%, Chamomile 10%, Verbena 10%, Orange peel and Bergamot 10%, Rose petals 5%, Hibiscus 5%, Apple 5%, Rosehip 5%, Raspberry 5 %, Strawberry 5%, Mistletoe 5%.Ingredients:
Hawthorn 15%, Lemon Balm 10%, Poppy 10%, Chamomile 10%, Verbena 10%, Orange and Bergamot Bark 10%, Rose Petals 5%, Hibiscus 5%, Apple 5%, Rosehip 5%, Raspberry 5%, Strawberry 5%, Mistletoe 5%