Nettle helps to improve cervical infection.
Nettle helps to improve cervical infections.
1 tsp for a cup to infuse after meals
1 teaspoon for a cup of water to infuse.Formula:
Viridis tea XL%,% Goldenrod X, X% frumentum, Bearberry X%, V% Birch, RUBUS IDAEUS V%, V% Classic, Currant V%, V% Ribes nigrum: Ave V%.Ingredients:
Green tea 40%, goldenrod 10%, corn 10%, bearberry 10%, Birch 5%, Raspberry 5%, Strawberry 5%, Currant 5%, Blackcurrant 5%, Cherry 5%.Ingredients:
Green tea 40%, Goldenrod 10%, Corn 10%, Bearberry 10%, Birch 5%, Raspberry 5%, Strawberry 5%, Currant 5%, Blackcurrant 5%, Cherry 5%.